Mission Travel Faith Tours offers Church Mission Trips to Peru, Africa, and India. We will build an itinerary for your team based on your location chosen. We will take care of everything; from booking airlines, booking hotels, booking tours if selected, to picking up your team at the airport. Each location has different needs and based on the talent levels of your team we will adjust the itinerary to match what the needs are on the ground in that location. Each mission trip will be custom-tailored to your group.
We offer churches many different locations for mission trips. Our prices for these trips vary from $1200 to $1800 per person based upon the location you choose, activities you want to do, and how many are traveling. The best-sized groups have less than 16 people traveling at one time. Most of our Church Mission Trips are between 7 to 14 days, with an average group size of 8 to 12 on a team.
Our Indigenous Pastors love receiving new groups, they all speak English and are very gracious hosts. Their needs vary each time. Based on your team of volunteers' skills they could help anywhere from building homes for families, loving on the orphans, feeding the hungry, clothing and educating school children, providing medical care, holding vacation bible school programs, youth outreaches, etc. Plus if you’re a teacher of God's word our Pastors would love it if you can teach at their churches.
• Iquitos, Peru, Amazon Jungle. The main contact is Pastor Albert - Sample Itinerary Here
• India, the Main contact is Pastor James Ram
• Africa, the Main Contact is Pastor Kassim
We operate in 24 Countries in Africa. We can put together a multi-country tour or you can visit one location. Depending on your vision for the trip and the skill level of your team, we will help you connect with the country which will be most benefited by your team.
• Siera Leonne, Rwanda, Morocco, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Senegal, Burundi, Tunisia